Company details#

No longer collected

This information is no longer collected, but could be done in the future.

We need to collect details about the company structure of the charity.

All these details should be entered into the "Address details" box at the top of the data entry form. Open this box and click "add new address". The name of the item should go in the "contact type" box, and the item itself in the "Organsiation Name" box. Don't worry about any of the other fields here. Example:

Company number#

The first detail is the company number of the charity. This is generally found in the administrative details section of the accounts - usually at the start of the accounts (sometimes on the front cover) but sometimes at the very end. It will usually be near details like the name of the Chief Executive, or the trustees. It will be called the "Company number" or similar ("Company Registration Number"), and is a different number to the Charity number. The example below highlights the number in red.

Company Number

Trading Subsidiary Name#

We are also interested in gathering the name of any trading subsidiaries the charity has. The subsidiaries are usually detailed in the notes to the accounts, towards the end. They may have their own section, or sometimes are detailed in "investments". We're interested in the full name of the subsidiary company, including the "Limited" or "Ltd" at the end. In this example the trading subsidiary is highlighted in red:

If a company number for this subsidiary company is available, this should be recorded in the "Contact Name" field in the address details box.

Trading Subsidiary

This is a pilot exercise to examine how easy this information is to collect - so please let NCVO know if it proves tricky.