Issue log#


There may be a better way to store these

Staff Costs#

posted 14 Feb 2011, 15:36 by Pete Bass

Added page for Staff Costs and details.

But... do we want this for Receipts and Payments accounts where available?

The existing guidance is to only enter fundraising and governance - I've added a line about staff costs to the Receipts and Payments Instructions.

different wording#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 16:47 by

there is perhaps also an issue that the wording in the charity commission entered data is often different to that in the account - is this a problem?

consolidated not charity account?#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 16:43 by

need to say in the rule book that it is the consolidated not the charity account columns that need to be inputted

error with adobe reader#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 16:41 by

whenever i copy things from adobe reader (not just for data extraction) an error message pops up saying "There was an error while copying to the clipboard. An internal error has occured." and you have to click on "ok" to get rid of it. Is there a way that this doesn't have to be the case for the data enterers?

areas of the accounts that we don't need#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 16:39 by

it would be good to say in the rule book the headings/sub-headings of those lines in the account we don't need so data enterers can skip these parts e.g.:

  • Net (outgoing)/incoming resources before transfers
  • Other recognised gains

Reconciliation of funds:

  • Net cash outflow from operating activities
  • Returns on investments and servicing of finance
  • Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance
  • Capital expenditure and financial investment
  • Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment
  • Increase/(decrease) in cash
  • Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
  • Opening net funds
  • Net funds at 31 March

or if these crop up later in the form then data enterers will need to know that this is the case.

Might be useful to write a list of all the items we don't want included in their various guises.


posted 22 Nov 2010, 16:38 by

need to say somewhere that total net assets/liabilities = total funds as the language might be different between the form and the account.

other incoming resources#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 15:13 by

example = Sue Ryder: When the CC info is already entered on mass (for the larger charities) it brings with it the overall amount for 'other incoming resources but not the children. the rule book will need to mention cases like this where it looks like the full account info is already there but we'd like them to feed in the gaps and enter new lines accordingly.

the same issue comes up for "other voluntary income" - need to break it down further into e.g. "grants", and acitvities for generating income so need to explain this in rule book.

and also need to say if this is not the case for expenditure (or parts of expenditure) so don't end up typing in more than they need.

Thousands - automatic?#

posted 22 Nov 2010, 15:10 by

When entering the latest set of data for Sue Ryder I changed the multiple to thousands as needed but then when I clicked to enter the CC data it brought with it the '000s at the end of each number - I think this may mean that each figure ends up with two lots of '000s?

Interest and depreciation#

posted 1 Nov 2010, 16:01 by David Kane

Need to clarify whether we want these amounts collected, and where in the accounts they are likely to be found. Both interest and depreciation appear mulitple times in one set of accounts but with different figures.

Income source breakdown in funds analysis#

posted 1 Nov 2010, 15:33 by David Kane

Sometimes the breakdown of income sources to a useful level is only included in a funds analysis, and this often does not contain info on all the income sources.

1119081 - example of this (note 12)

No data for previous year#

posted 1 Nov 2010, 15:05 by David Kane

Some accounts have no data in the previous year - this needs to be recorded. This can be for the whole account, or for individual items.

Decimal places#

posted 1 Nov 2010, 15:03 by David Kane

Currently no decimal places are allowed. We might need to allow for pence as rounding errors occur in accounts of small charities.

R&P - Assets and liabilities#

posted 1 Nov 2010, 14:26 by David Kane

Assets and liabilities are inconsistently treated in R&P accounts. Rules need to take into account these inconsistencies, and show how to recognise a balance sheet statement.

See for example:

  • 1035672 - balance sheet shown in small box at end of R&P.
  • 298655 - assets broken down by bank account.